5% OFF Online Reservation

5% OFF Online Reservation

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Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions


The C-Hotel website provides information about the C-Hotel chain (hereinafter: “Shalom Hotel Eilat Co., Ltd.,” Private Company 511218661) and also allows the purchase of vacation packages within the framework of the chain’s hotels (hereinafter: “the Site”). Booking vacation packages (hereinafter “the Services”) at the C-Hotels through the site is a binding procedure equivalent to booking rooms by any other means through the main reservation center. The site is owned by the C-Hotel company. Any purchaser and/or anyone interested in purchasing services through the site and/or any person entering the website (hereinafter: “the Purchaser”), declares and warrants that s/he is aware of these site regulations and agrees to its provisions and that s/he and/or anyone acting on their behalf will have no claim and/or claim directly and/or indirectly against the site and/or anyone from its operator and/or owner and/or anyone acting on their behalf. The content on the site is directed to both women and men equally.

Ownership and Retention of Rights

C-Hotels (Shalom Hotel Co., Ltd.), Private Company 511218661, from Rehov HaSivim 7, Petah Tikva, is copyrighted on the site and any other module associated with the site. Information appearing on the site may not be copied, duplicated, publicized, distributed, sold, or modified without written permission from C-Hotels, except in cases of downloading for personal (not commercial) use.

Additionally, the logo, trademarks and icons displayed on this site (collectively “trademark”) are copyrighted by C-Hotel. No part of the site hints of permission or right to use the trademark with written permission from C-Hotel. All rights on the site without exception are reserved exclusively for C-Hotel. C-Hotel reserves the right to close down the site or to change it anytime it wants.

Site Terms of Use

Any person who has a valid credit card from one of the following credit card companies may purchase services through the site. The credit card companies are: Visa Cal, Visa Leumi Card, Diners Club, American Express, Isracard and MasterCard. The purchaser may use this site exclusively to book and purchase services and/or to receive information. The site should not be used for any other purposes. Booking on the site is by credit card only. Booking on the site may not be completed without entering the credit card details. Credit card details are transmitted only in order to secure the reservation. The card will be charged at the hotel. Illegal use of this site or of information on the site infringes copyright or other laws related to it.

C-Hotel reserves its right to periodically change the regulations and the site usage rules. Any dispute, if and when one will arise, will be arbitrated in Israel in the courts of Tel Aviv-Jaffa only.

Service Purchaser Details

At the time of purchase through the site, the purchaser will be required to enter their personal details into the system (hereinafter: “purchase details”). The site owner and/or its operators and/or anyone who owns it and/or manages it and/or anyone acting on their behalf is not responsible for an error made by the purchaser when typing the purchase details, including error in choosing the vacation package, the date, the number of beds and any other service booked by the purchase thought the site. C-Hotel will not directly or indirectly bear any responsibility in case the purchase details are not recorded in the system, and/or any other technical issue that prevents the purchaser from purchasing services through the site. Entering false purchase details is a  criminal offense. Legal action will be taken against submitters of false details, including damage claims for damage that may be caused to the site, its operators and/or anyone who owns it and/or manages it and/or anyone acting on their behalf.

Accommodation under the Ministry of Health Guidelines and the Green Pass Standard

 Our hotel chain operates under the guidelines of the Ministry of Health, accordingly, as of the 7th of February 2022 there is no need to present “Green Pass” or negative tests.

For your safety- please be sure to wear masks throughout your stay.


Making a Reservation

A reservation can be made by entering the purchase details into the system.

  1. Making a reservation with a credit card.
  2. The credit card details that are entered into the system are for the purpose of securing the reservation only. Upon entering the credit card details, the purchaser will receive an automatic email confirming his/her reservation. The purchaser should print this message, bring it to the hotel and present it at Reception. The reservation confirmation in this way is automatic; actual credit charge will be made upon arrival at the hotel.
  3. I hereby want and agree to receive, via all media and means of communication, electronic messages, short themed messages, newsletters, marketing and advertising material of a commercial/advertising nature and/or any type of advertising as defined in the Communications Law (Bezeq and Services), 5742 – 1982 (hereinafter: “the Law”), regarding products and services.

Customer Club Members

A purchaser who has declared his/her membership in the C-Hotels: Club C4U customer club will receive a discount, given to club members, upon entering the purchasing details. The club discount will be given at the time of booking only. No discounts will be given upon arriving at the hotel. The customer must provide identifying details in order to receive the benefit. 

Cancellation Policy

Cancelling a reservation will be done in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law 5741 – 1981 (hereinafter: “Consumer Protection Law”) and the regulations installed by its authority, after the customer has placed a reservation through the site’s booking system, and after s/he has received confirmation of the transaction terms from C-Hotels.

A monetary refund for the cancelled reservation will be subject to the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law, 5777 – 2017.

Regular Season:

  • In case of cancellation 7 days or less from the date of accommodation – the customer will be charged a cancellation fee of NIS 150 per room
  • Cancellation within 48 to 24 hours prior to accommodation – 50% of the transaction value
  • Cancellation less than 24 hours from the date of accommodation – full charge

In Peak Season – July, August, Holidays and Special Events:

  • From the moment of booking up to 14 days before the date of cancellation – NIS 100 or 5% of the reservation value (the lower of the two, in accordance with the Consumer Protection Law).
  • In case of cancellation within 14 to 7 days prior to accommodation – the customer will be charged a cancellation fee of NIS 300 per room.
  • In case of cancellation 7 days or less from the date of accommodation – the customer will be charged a cancellation fee of 50% of the transaction value.
  • Cancellation within 48 hours or less – full cancellation fee
  • The customer will be charged by the company (or anyone acting on its behalf) with the credit card whose details were provided by the customer.

Reservation Change by the Customer

Any change in the reservation will be made by email and/or via the reservation center, subject to the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law and the regulations installed by its authority. It is the customer’s responsibility to verify that the cancellation notice has been received.

Requests to make changes to a reservation that was made on the site may be sent via email to info@c-hotels.co.il.

שינה the customer makes his/her reservation according to the foregoing, the determining date for changing the reservation will be the date of receipt of the letter and/or the email from the C-Hotels reservation center.

If the day the written notice is received is a day of rest in Israel, the date of change will be considered the first following work day.

No claims regarding any changes will be accepted, unless they are backed up with a written document that has been signed and approved by the C-Hotels reservation center.

The customer will bear the costs of any changes requested in the components of the reservation as s/he will be notified by the C-Hotels reservation center before the requested change is made.

Prices of services displayed on the site vary from time to time.

If there is a discrepancy between the prices listed on the site and the actual prices of the C-Hotels reservation center, the price at the reservation center is the determining price.

If prices of services change as a result of price increases, price increases will apply to all reservations already made, unless they have received final written approval from the C-Hotels reservation center.

Terms and Conditions

    1. C-Hotels Management is entitled to cancel or change the terms of receipt of reservations as well as all prices advertised on the site at any time.
    2. Without erring from the above, the company shall be entitled not to unilaterally approve and/or cancel any transaction received in the system, even if a confirmation message was automatically received by the customer. In order for this to be valid, one or more of the following conditions are met:
    • In the event that an error is found in the price of the transaction, this will not be binding on the company, which will be entitled to credit the customer for the transaction amount and/or contact him/her in order to place a proper reservation.
    • In the event that a mistake crept in, especially in the publication of the transaction, by definition and due to human error.
    • In the event there was an error in the reservation for any reason and at the sole discretion of the company.
    1. For any cancellation, as stated in this small section, cancellation fees shall not be applied, as set out in these regulations.
    2. Prices on the site are quoted in New Israeli Shekels and include VAT (on the Hebrew-language site). The prices advertised on the English-language site are quoted in dollars and include VAT.
    3. Foreign guests (tourists) –

      The VAT will be refunded in accordance with the Israeli tax laws, and upon presentation of a Tourist visa (B2).

       Israeli guests are obligated to pay VAT by law.

    4. Where the prices are quoted in dollars, the payment will be calculated at the representative rate set for that day by the Bank of Israel.
    5. At the time of the charge, the credit card company may charge a conversion fee for using foreign currency. Therefore, the amount shown is not final and may vary accordingly.
    6. The buyer’s stay at the hotel will start from the day of booking at 15:00 until 11:00 on the day of departure.
    7. On Saturdays and holidays rooms at the chain’s hotels must be vacated by 14:00.
    8. Receipt of rooms on Saturdays will take place at the conclusion of the Sabbath (after sunset).
    9. Any after-hours departure every day of the week requires approval by the hotel management only and will be charged.
    10. A baby will be considered to be up to two years old and a child will be considered to be tween two and twelve years old, in anything connected to staying at the hotel.
    11. No double discounts.
    12. Accommodation for children and youth under age 18 is possible with the accompaniment of an adult only. 
    13. The number of places is limited and booking is based on availability only.
    14. Data authenticity: Making a reservation, as mentioned, requires data entry; care must be taken to enter authentic data. C-Hotels management is not responsible for any error made by the purchaser in typing the purchase details, including an error in choosing the hotel, date, number of beds as well as any other service ordered by the purchaser through the site.
    15. Booking on the site is individual, therefore it is not possible to make more than two reservations under the same name.
    16. The prices on the site are in shekels and are designated for Israelis only. Booking a vacation for foreign residents with foreign citizenship (who present a passport with an up-to-date address abroad) is in dollars/euros according to the latest prices from the price list for the booking period.
    17. Pets are not allowed in the hotels of the chain, with the exception of guide dogs. Conditional on presenting relevant documents before arriving at the hotel and receiving reconfirmation. The documents can be sent to info@c-hotels.co.il

Information and Images

Information on behalf of C-Hotels management and information on behalf of third parties can be found on the site. C-Hotels are not responsible for the content and character of information, including advertisements found on the site. All images found on the site are for illustration only. Because the images are displayed on the purchaser’s computer screen and/or are printed by the purchaser from the computer screen, there may be differences and changes between the appearance of the products in the picture and their appearance in reality.


The site contains links to other websites (hereinafter: “the linked site”). C-Hotels provides these links for the convenience of the site user only and does not take responsibility for information appearing on the linked site or on sites linked to the linked site, their validity or legality. If the user decides to access these sites, the user does so at his/her own risk. In order to link or display the C-Hotel website on other sites, contact the C-Hotels management to obtain approval.

Limitation of Liability

  1. C-Hotels management and/or the site operator and/or the owners and/or the managers and/or those on their behalf are not responsible for the server, on which the site works, to be free of viruses or other components that may damage the purchaser’s personal computer at the time s/he goes onto the site and/or purchases services through the site and/or otherwise uses the site.
  2. C-Hotels is not responsible for damage caused by failure or delay when attempting to sue the site, including use for booking purposes.
  3. C-Hotels will not be liable for illegal activity by any purchaser on the site on any other party beyond their control.
  4. At any stage, C-Hotels may terminate or prevent the purchaser’s connection or access to any part of the site.

Changes to the Site

C-Hotels may periodically change the structure of the site, its content, its appearance, terms of use, the scope and availability of the services offered therein and any other aspects of the site and its operation, all without having to notify the purchaser in advance.

Change / Cancel Reservation

To cancel or change a reservation,
please contact us by: info@c-hotels.co.il

Regular season:

7 days or less from arrival – 300 NIS per room.
48 to 24 hours from arrival – 50% of the total transaction.
Within 24 hours or less – Full charge

Peak Seasons- July, August, holidays:
From the moment the order is placed until 14 days before arrival – will be charged NIS 100 or 5% of the reservation value (whichever is lower – in accordance with the Consumer Protection Law)
14 to 7 days from arrival – 300 NIS per room.
7 days or less from arrival – 50% of the total transaction.
Within 48 hours or less – Full charge